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JazzAddict is relatively new to the UK.  It is currently taught in New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, China, Macau and South Africa.

The programme is suited to any child who loves to dance.  No prior experience is needed (although experienced dancers love it).  

There are age appropriate levels within the syllabus from aged 4 to 18+. Each level consists of a series of exercises including arm combinations, technique, floor work, turns, isolations and leaps, culminating in a jazz, musical theatre and lyrical dance.  Each level is progressive and designed to develop strength, flexibility, performance and creativity.   

Our UK based teachers have been taught the syllabus by the founder of the programme and are DBS certified.  



New Zealander Anna Currie arrived in London in 2005 with three young children. Her daughters had danced seriously in New Zealand and continued to do so here, locally, at vocational Saturday schools and with The London Children’s Ballet. As they got older their ballet class size decreased until they were in classes alone. Seeing children, teens and young adults in New Zealand continue to dance in other genres after their ballet days are over was the incentive to bring JazzAddict to the UK. It is structured in the same great way ballet is but its far more accessible. We’re looking forward to seeing children begin JazzAddict and continue to dance into their teens and young adulthood.

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